Once across the Bridge, the journey of Strider and the Hobbits again becomes long, cold and difficult. Frodo's wound from Weathertop continues to grow worse. Strider is now obviously worried. Their meager supplies are running out and it is still raining and cold. Frodo's dreams are full of visions.
On the morning that the rain finally stops, Strider discovers they have come too far to the north and are in danger of entering the Ettendales...troll-country. They must now try turning southward again. The steep and mountainous terrain proves almost too much for the wounded Frodo, and Strider comforts a worried Sam, telling him that he must not give up hope.
After spending a night on a high ridge, Strider and Merry scout ahead the next morning and now the sun shines brightly, and they are encouraged when Strider catches a glimpse of the Loudwater in the distance. With somewhat lighter hearts and with Frodo once again astride Bill, they make their way towards the Road, for dangerous as it may be, it is their only path to the Ford and the safety of Rivendell.
And, as you must know and feel...the Enemy is moving.
Artwork: "Fellowship Journey" by Alan Lee