Tolkien Calendar: The Great Years

Middle-earth Journeys > The Great Years Calendar

June 16, TA 3019

16 June 2006 17:59:56
Categories: Tolkien Calendar

They set out for Gondor.

    Can you now imagine what a fantastic sight this Elven wedding party was? A who's who of the mighty Eldarin left in Middle-earth. The countryside of Rohan and Gondor having just been ravaged by war, must have been refreshed just by their passing.

    Imagine the wonderment of the people. So many of them would have only heard the myths and tales of the Elves and never seen them. Now the glory of an Elven wedding party parades through the countryside.

    The fair-haired Galadriel and Celeborn. The dark-haired house of Elrond...Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen. All going to Gondor where the new King Elessar has been crowned. No longer any darkness pouring out of what was Mordor. This must have been a time of wonder and magic after a long dark storm. It is also a bit bittersweet in that, other than their return home, it was the last time such a sight was seen in Middle-earth.

Images © "Supper with the Elves in Woody End forest" by Alan Lee.
