Tolkien Calendar: The Great Years

Middle-earth Journeys > The Great Years Calendar

April 6, TA 3019

6 April 2006 18:34:19
Categories: Tolkien Calendar

Celeborn and Thranduil meet in the midst of Mirkwood.

In the North also there had been war and evil. The realm of Thranduil was invaded, and there was long battle under the trees and great ruin of fire, but in the end Thranduil had the victory. And on the day of the New Tear of Elves, Celeborn and Thranduil met in the midst of the forest; and the renamed Mirkwood Eryn Lasgalen The Wood of Greenleaves. Thranduil took all the northern region as far as the mountains that rise in the forest for his realm; and Celeborn took all the southern wood below the Narrows, and named it East Lorien; all the wide forest between was given to the Beornings and Woodmen.
This is a time of great joy to the people of the North. Mirkwood had been a place of darkness for over a thousand years. Now the people of Middle Earth can reclaim it and make it a prosperous place. The news of Sauron's fall is slowly moving North.

I can imagine how the people feel as the news comes north. Those who are servants of Sauron are undaoubtedly dismayed. But, those who have lived in the fear of these servants must feel as though a long dark night has passed and now the sun is rising and sending the dark shadows fleeing before it.

Images © "Mirkwood" by Alan Lee.
