There is not much written about the events of this day, but that does not lessen there importance.
Two days prior, Glorfindel left Rivendell with the knowledge that the Hobbits were trying to reach the Last Homely Home and the Black Riders were in pursuit. With it being understood that only the mightiest of the Elves could withstand the Nine for long, it is important to know who Glorfindel really is.
Glorfindel is a mighty Elf-lord of Imladris, and indeed, the leader of the host of Rivendell. As one of the surviving Noldor, his powers would have been likened to Elrond, Galadriel, and Celeborn themselves. It was Glorfindel who long defended Rivendell and successfully completed the rout of Angmar at the Battle of Fornost during the decline of the Northern Kingdom. That he would be guarding the East Road and warding off the Nine speaks to his noble heritage and his considerable powers.
Artwork: "Narrow Bridge of Stone" by Alan Lee